Shake Shack Burger Recipe (Mouthwatering Secret Sauce)


Shake Shack Burger Recipe

This shake shack burger recipe is the perfect combo of ground beef, American cheese, special sauce, and everything else you want from a mouthwateringly juicy cheeseburger.

Shake Shack Burger Sauce

At the core of every great burger lies a great sauce – so let’s start there! Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • 1/2 Cup Mayo
  • 1 Tablespoon Ketchup
  • 1 Tablespoon Yellow Mustard
  • 4 slices Kosher Dill Pickle
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Paprika
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper

Put these in a food processor until you get the right consistency.

Beef Patties

Next up, the patty. Shake shack keeps it simple with fresh ingredients. Their blend is a trade secret. You can emulate it pretty closely by using the following beef cuts.

  • 50% sirloin
  • 25% chuck
  • 25% brisket

Form the ground beef into quarter pound portions, and hit each one with some kosher salt and black pepper. Time to move on to the grill!

Grilling the Burgers

Fire up your flat top grill, and spread some vegetable oil on it.

Place the quarter pound of beef on top, and let it sear for 40 seconds. Then grab a sturdy, heavy duty spatula and use it to flatten the meat into a patty. Hit that side with another layer of salt & pepper.

When flipping the patty, use a sharp spatula to get underneath it so it doesn’t fall apart. After flipping, place a slice of american cheese on top.

Assembling the Shake Shack Burger

Give the buns a quick toast, before putting everything together. Spread some sauce on the top bun, followed by some green leaf lettuce and tomato slices.

Place the patty with molten cheese on the bottom bun. Then bring the two halves together, and voila! Your very own Shake Shack burger!


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